Did you know kids can keep developing visual functions from the comfort of their home? In this text, we outline various fun and engaging exercises parents can do with their kids to develop accommodation, depth perception, and other critical visual skills.

Are you frustrated your bright child is not reading at the level you think they should be? They may actually be suffering from an issue in their visual system. Our practice can assess more than just 20/20 vision and use vision therapy to treat any vision-related learning issues that could be affecting your child.

Vision therapy helps children with poor visual skills perform daily tasks more efficiently and with ease. This can lead to more success with school-work and sports, which, in turn, can have a positive effect on one's self-confidence.

Vision therapy, practiced for over 150 years, has been helping patients with visual problems strengthen the eye-brain connection. Over the years, it has developed and expanded into a highly effective method for learning or improving visual skills.

Whether you’re a pro-athlete or a 4th grader struggling to read, improved vision skills can boost confidence and success in life. Consider vision therapy this year and see the change for yourself!

Those with excellent visual acuity may experience difficulty with visual processing or focus, which can impact various aspects of a child’s development, learning ability, and daily functioning. Fortunately, visual skills can be trained through vision therapy. Question is: how young is too young for your child to begin vision therapy?